October 04 2011 at 09:44 AM

New Brennan Center guide looks at voting law changes

New Brennan Center guide looks at voting law changes

Network Partner Brennan Center for Justice has released a guide to new voter laws that go into effect in 2012.

The report, Voting Law Changes in 2012, finds that more than 5 million voters will be affected by changes in voter ID requirements, proof of citizenship requirements, early voting rollbacks, and elimination of same day registration.

Focusing on the Midwest specifically, Wisconsin has passed a new voter ID requirement, while Ohio had attempted to roll back early voting days (that law will be put as a referendum in the state’s 2012 election).

Read and download the full report at the Brennan Center website.

The report has gotten press coverage from across the country including the New York Times, Washington Post, and Huffington Post.