December 12 2011 at 01:14 PM

Ohio redistricting secrets uncovered by Network groups

Filed in: Redistricting | News | Reports | Ohio
Ohio redistricting secrets uncovered by Network groups

Network partners in the Ohio Campaign for Accountable Redistricting have released a new report, The Elephant In The Room, which further details what exactly happened in the Ohio legislature’s redistricting process. After examining documents via open records requests, the Campaign reports exactly how power was used in the political backrooms to manipulate districts to benefit political insiders.

Overall the Campaign gives the Ohio legislature a grade of “D-“ on the process, on grounds that decisions were not made in public light, and resident input was largely ignored.

“If the politicians were creating districts which benefited the public, they wouldn’t have anything to hide,” said Jim Slagle, Manager of the Ohio Campaign for Accountable Redistricting.  “Instead, we are seeing districts manipulated in the backrooms, so that the winning candidates can be determined before the votes are ever cast.  Politicians are choosing their voters instead of the other way around.” 

Through the open records requests, however, more secrets were uncovered, including secret payments to Republican staffers to work on redistricting, shifting the districts of a major campaign contributor’s corporate headquarters, and that Speaker of the House John Boehner’s team served as the primary decision makers for the final map.

Download the full report on Draw The Line Ohio’s website.

Press has already begun to pick up on the story, including the Marion Star.